Now I came across this video on YouTube tonight and was extremely disturbed by the content. No, its not violent or sexual, its political. What's disturbing about it? Just the blatantly racist remarks that spew from Mr. Buchanan's mouth about every 5 seconds. Now don't get me wrong, I totally understand the reservations people have about Sotomayor being nominated for the Supreme Court, but to say she only got the nod because she's a minority is totally ignorant and biased. I do believe in some cases affirmative action is wrong; however, if you look at the distribution of educational funding when it comes to more urban and poor areas compared to more Anglo, prestigious ones there's a huge gap. And even in Sotomayors case, Rachel Maddow brings up a good point in saying that AA didn't give her the grades she got at Princeton or give her the years of experience as an Appellate judge. Pat's egregiously offensive statement that white men were put into places of judgement because they were the ones that died and created this country was disgusting to me. The fact that he would completely ignore the participation of black men in the World Wars and ignore the fact that while the "forefathers" were writing these constitutions "their" country was being built on the backs of slaves and to the expense of the Native peoples made me cringe. For someone like that to have influence in the way our country is handled is very unnerving and makes me want to get involved more in my government's processes. Again, I think everyone has a right to their opinion and which way they chose to express that; but when you're apart of the leadership the most diverse country in the world, these types of ideas can only lead to a hindrance in progression.